I believe those who playing facebook games may sit there whole the day, trying to beat some of their friends record, to me, i may never break those records, cause i easily tired with games. So i try to cheat the game. Lately i addicted with this game, Biotronic.
I try very hard to beat my friends record, but after a day or two, my rank will drop again...argh...for a geek like me, dont like losing a game, so i choose another way of playing the game rather then play by the game~ i play Cheat~
i try very hard on my own, but the highest i can get not more then 200,000...
but now, with the autoplay software... hahah...see my score~
For those who interested with the hack, you may google for biosolver~ hehe~
bad boy ~~~
no lar ~ just dont wan be fool by the game lar~