1 x | Matin Super Giant Blower (Double Valve System) | RM19.50 |
1 x | TEKQ Professional 233X Ultra Pro CompactFlash (CF) 8GB Memory Card (TEKQ Product Lifetime Warranty) (30 Days Warranty by ShaShinKi) | RM95.00 |
Finally, today get the item i buy from ShaShinKi.
Actually i suppose to get it by yesterday, but i think when the postman deliver it, no one at home, so today i only go to post office and collect it.
hehe... happy~
the 8GB card can store about 500 raw file~ + my another 4GB then i can have at least 750 raw file shoot...
but i plan to use this 8 gb for raw and then the 4GB for JPEG... hehe
the blower more better then i thought... i even use it to blow the dust stuck inside my laptop keyboard... good~
and that stupid KY Digital still owned me my cleaning kits.... two month d... still don't have stock... unbelievable...so lauzy 1...
next time post my blower pic and CF card pic .... hehe~
lazy to process it now..
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