Nowadays there is quite a lots of number of the fake movie torrent, many people said it's the hacker's job who want to promote their site. There is also some people said that it's the entertainment company hire these people to create these fake torrent to reduce the number of download of their movie through torrent. Even verified Movies (aXXo, FXG, FxM, KLAXXON, DUQA, ..), now also got the fake one...
so, it's not easy to search for new movie, which have a good movie quality...
And also my favorite site of torrent searching site is already closed, due to some policy conflict...
Now the only thing i rely on for downloading movie is those china torrent site, it's provide not very good quality of movie, but watchable. yet it download speed also better then those western country one.
so, it's not easy to search for new movie, which have a good movie quality...
And also my favorite site of torrent searching site is already closed, due to some policy conflict...
Now the only thing i rely on for downloading movie is those china torrent site, it's provide not very good quality of movie, but watchable. yet it download speed also better then those western country one.
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