But i can't. so... i decide to try another obe. I open up my moral notes which have been covered by dust for few days. Read n read...till 3 something...i can feel the tired. so i go back to sleep and try to be obe.
Again ...lots of dreams ...
Suddenly, a very special dream , i am in a skeleton. i dont know how to describe the details happen, but i know that time i was dreaming, and i know that time i almost get into the obe.
i can feel like before, same as last time, i heard nothing, the feel like a very high pressure around u, and you cant hear anything. i know i was almost there, this time i feel very nervous. and i try to get into the situation asap...but maybe because of my nervous, i suddenly feel my breathe...
then ...fail d.... i wake up...haiz...
So i go and ask some pro of OBE from HK Below is the reply:
我想问下,每次我几乎进入鬼压床的状态时,我都会突然感觉到我的呼吸,然后醒过来,怎么办?可以怎样做才能避免这样醒过来? 照樣呼吸 不要太留意身體的麻痺感 只要一直保持清醒 注意力放在頭部附近 不要把注意力放在身體是否放鬆 不理會身體 一會就能忘掉身體的存在 只感覺到頭部附近還有知覺 自然地呼吸 就會忘掉呼吸的事 讓他自動呼吸 當你發覺自己沒有再為意肉體時 就差不多和肉體失去聯繫了 我叫你們放鬆身體 但放鬆之後 不要一直注意著身體是不放鬆 或身體是不是動了…… 那只會使你殭硬 和不能入睡 所以 將身體完全放鬆後 就不用再一直注意著身體 只把注意力放在頭部附近 因為這樣做 可以使你保持清醒 人們通常認為 自我意識是「收藏」在頭部的 注意著頭部 但卻不要「用力」 只是輕輕地一直「觀察」著自己的頭部範圍 直到面部開始麻痺 你就會突然驚覺到身體早已沒有被注意 好像失去知覺似的 但很多人 在正常睡眠時 這樣做 很多時會在不知不覺中入睡 要越過「入睡」這一關 「睡眠時間控制法」是較容易的方法…… |
next time rmb to control ur nervous...hehe...
hard to understand
erm...hope u can success..then i can try and you'll be my sifu for that...want to try also but no time...maybe bek kampar only try...
i dont dare to be ur sifu lar, sharing experience ok lar...